Brighten up Your Yard

Summer is right around the corner, lending a warm invitation to spend more time outside. So whether you are hosting a few friends over for a barbecue or you are simply spending an evening to yourself cozied up under the stars, outdoor lighting can help set the mood. Here are three outdoor lighting ideas that will dazzle in your backyard.

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Jars and Lanterns

Jars and lanterns are some of the most versatile ways to beautify your yard. Selecting the right one depends on the look you are going for. For example, create a romantic pathway by placing votive or tea light candles in mason jars with marbles at the bottom of the jar to secure the candles into place. If you are going for a more rustic feel, place tiny string LED lights in frosted mason jars and spread them across your yard to create a firefly effect. You can even paint or decorate jars with a design that will illuminate when it is lit.

For a charming and classic ambience, opt for glass lanterns. Keep it simple with an electric flickering candle inside and display them around your Outdoor Living Area and yard.

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String Lights

The possibilities are almost endless with string lights. Starting with what comes naturally, try wrapping string lights around the tree trunk to highlight the trees in your yard or mimic the look of hanging vines by draping lights from tree branches. If you don’t have a tree in your yard, you can decorate decks with string lights, too. Wrap them around the main length of the railing or hang them on the sides of the railing.

Tip: For longer lasting lights, use LED lights.

A Different Natural Light

Why not borrow light from the sun itself? Yes, the sun can act as yet another way to light up your backyard using solar light fixtures. Lighting your yard with solar power can be as simple as purchasing a yard light and digging it into the ground to light up the plants at night. But if you are feeling creative, turn those simple solar lights into something gorgeous like a solar chandelier. To create a solar chandelier, swap out the bulbs in an old chandelier with solar power bulbs. You can even create a mason jar torch by replacing the casing on a solar powered yard light with a mason jar.

As you sit back and take in the longer days of summer, delight in making memories in your newly decorated yard.