In-Depth Looks at Different Design Styles: Hygge

With so many incredible design styles to choose from, it can be daunting to choose the best one suited for your home. In this series, we will be explaining the fundamental principles of different design styles and providing practical tips for implementing elements of that style. We’ll kick the series off with an in-depth look at the Scandinavian interior design style known as hygge.

How to Pronounce Hygge

For starters, it’s essential to know how to pronounce this foreign cozy lifestyle design. Hygge is pronounced “hue-gah.” The word is an essential aspect of Danish culture that has roots back to an old Norwegian word that meant “well-being.”

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A Hygge Approach

Ultimately, hygge is achieved by incorporating a functional lifestyle design that knows the true definition of comfort. This style promotes togetherness and encourages you to appreciate the positives life has to offer.

Some signature marks of hygge include:

  • Natural materials such as flannels, linens, soft weaves and comfy knits
  • Comforting neutral colors like whites, browns, beiges and grays

Pour Some Hygge on Me (and My Home)

While mainly encompassing a minimalist decor style, there are a few additional design tips you can follow to incorporate hygge into your home.

Sticking with Neutral Color Schemes

The calming canvas of hygge calls for neutral-colored walls. The unique colors in hygge rooms include natural elements, such as plants, bamboo or wood.

Sticking with neutral color schemes helps connect you to the beauty of the natural world, which is everything hygge represents. Add potted indoor plants throughout your space to bring the outdoors inside. If you’re lacking a greenthumb, consider a collection of twigs in a thoughtfully sourced vase instead.

Adding a Reading Nook

Add a comfortable little reading nook to allow you to enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning and your favorite book. This warm, cozy feeling is the ultimate hygge.

Find a great place in your home where you can add a bench, ideally in front of a window. Add some cushions, fuzzy throw blankets and pillows and anything else you need to feel cozy.

Integrating Comforting Scents

Warm scents like orange, cinnamon, vanilla or ginger help create that relaxing atmosphere that hygge is known for. Use scented candles to help add the warmth and glow of a small flame.

If you’re worried about an open flame, because of youngsters or pets, you can opt for LED candles and essential oil diffusers for the same effect.

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Enhancing Mood Lighting

Soft lighting can enhance the mood by resembling the soft lighting of the sun, rather than harsh fluorescent lighting often found indoors. Consider adding elements like string lights or fairy lights to highlight specific areas of a room.

Backlighting your television can help to enhance the mood lighting in your living room and give you a movie theater feel.

Adding Soft Textiles

Lastly, add finishing touches by adding soft textiles throughout your home. Sheepskin-lined blankets, faux fur area rugs and cozy throw pillows will all do the trick.

Ready for Some Hygge in Your Home?

Aside from introducing a trendy design style into your home, with hygge you can anticipate evoking feelings of comfort and warmth. So, if you’re looking to bring in feelings of wholeness, togetherness, safety, and familiarity, it might be time to dig deeper into the hygge design style.