Embrace a Closet Full of Possibilities

As the seasons change (and so does our wardrobe), it’s always a wonderful opportunity to clean out closets and spruce them up with a new look. From built-in shelving and drawers to dresser islands, and even various lighting options, closets have a lot to offer.

interior of walk-in closet

Shelf Life

In an effort to make bedrooms minimalistic, dressers are becoming a thing of the past, turning closets into the sole source for housing wardrobe. With open shelving and drawer systems, each piece of clothing and accessory can have a home in your closet. To utilize every nook and cranny, put angular shelves in the corners of your closet for more storage space. By keeping all your apparel within your closet, you’ll have one dedicated spot to retrieve everything you need for your outfit each day, plus gain more bedroom space.

Treasure Island

Closet islands are on the rise for walk-in spaces, adding a flair of luxury and more storage with their built-in features, such as cabinets, pull-out laundry hampers, shoe racks, jewelry trays and more. The surface of the island can act as a table, giving you room to lay out an outfit, pack a suitcase, fold laundry, display your jewelry or set down your coffee mug while getting dressed for the day. Some islands may also have a bench, giving you a cozy place to sit as you slip on your shoes.

interior of walk-in closet

A Guiding Light

Illumination in closets should not be taken lightly, especially since the lack of natural light in most bedroom closets requires proper lighting to easily navigate the space. Recessed lighting, which is installed within a hole in the ceiling, is great as a general source of light, while under-cabinet lighting works well for highlighting accessory drawers. If you want to add some charm to your closet, hang a unique central lighting fixture, such as a chandelier, to serve as a focal point. Installing track lights or ribbon lighting will also provide a special touch.

Make the most of your closet by incorporating some new features to increase its usability and pizzazz!